Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Flip It

A few years ago, Matt and I came up with the term, "flip it" (or maybe we stole it from someone else; I can't remember.)  Regardless, we made it our own.  We brought it to our work places and Matt even made a symbol for "flippin it."  A few colleagues caught on and with some it became a phrase that could be said without need of explanation.  Rather than explain it, I will give some examples from my current day-to-day: 

a.  THOUGHT: "This apartment is small; I have to be so quiet when the girls are napping."
     FLIP IT THOUGHT:  "This apartment is cozy; what a gift that I have to be quiet for certain hours of the day." 

b.  THOUGHT:  "Matt has to work late again.  It is so stressful to take care of the girls by myself at night." 
FLIP IT THOUGHT:  "Matt is doing his job; what a gift that I get this time with the girls just on my own." 
Noticing moments like this:
**  I am breastfeeding Lilian on the couch before bedtime and Francesca nuzzles up right next to me (mind you, this would probably not happen if Matt was home; I would be in my room feeding Lilian and Francesca would be with Daddy.)  We just sit.  We are quiet.  Francesca eventually rubs Lilian's awesomely bald head.  She looks at me and says, "I love her."  Then she touches Lilian's face and says, "I love you." 

**  Francesca helps me put Lilian to bed.  While I am holding Lilian, she looks down at her big sister and breaks into beautiful laughter.  Then Francesca and I both laugh too.  What a sweet way to go to bed. 

Now, sometimes it is harder for me to flip it than others.  I have been working for about a year on how to flip my thoughts around the chaotic construction that has been going on next door.  Let me know if you have any suggestions!

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