Monday, November 18, 2013

The Revolution of Chipping Away

My hopes overflow in the morning.  While I am writing my morning pages, these hopes and plans and ideas bubble out of me.  With each one, I feel a jolt of excitement as I jot it down in the margins of my notebook.  People I want to contact, articles that I want to read and write, gifts that I want to buy, projects that I want to complete, space that I want to create.  In the morning, somewhere inside of me resides a belief - a hope - that I can actually accomplish these tasks.

But so often I cannot.  Perhaps one or two or, often, none at all.

And it is in this narrow space between the morning hopefulness and the inability to accomplish these dreamy tasks that my growth resides.  As I begin to really know myself I have a feeling that in the past I would have felt completely side swiped by the fact that the actions of my day do not even come close to matching the hopefulness of my morning.  Despite a sporadic awareness of disappointment, it seems as though I carry on with a cheery spirit and I chip away.  The things that keep showing eventually get done . . .a little here, a little there. 

And with this I am beginning to understand the freedom that comes from acceptance and it is within that freedom that growth happens and room is created for meaningful action - one chip at a time. 

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