Tuesday, November 5, 2013

The Bathroom Wall

The quote on the door reads, "the most important thing you can do for the world is to become the master of your own life."

Under the sink, there is a picture of a majestic forest and an e.e. cummings quote about saying yes to everything. 

Taped onto the mirror is a quote that reads, "you have plenty of time."

Oh, and above the washer/dryer is a beautiful painting with the words "find joy."  This from my sister-in-law; a person who is always finding joy in the spaces between.

Magnetized onto the dryer is a passage from Swami Kripalu about replacing negative thoughts with positive thoughts and also a prayer of loving kindness (may you be happy . . . may you be healthy . . .may you be free . . .) 

Next to the light is a cut out from a magazine that says, "positive thought" and next to that is a print out of my mission statement that I wrote last year. 

Welcome to my bathroom; the most sacred space in our whole place. 

And just last week I added something that is perhaps the most helpful yet.  I have a certain structure to my writing practice each morning that ends with writing three things that I want to accomplish and my intention for the day.  I have also added on a gratitude focus (often connected to my intention.)  I would remember my intention randomly once or twice during the day, but I wanted to sew it more deeply into my day.  So, inspired by The Happiness Project, I made an intention chart and hung it on my bathroom wall (see above.) 

I don't know whether it is the act of writing the intention again in my home, or physically having it there every time I wash my hands, put on my make-up, brush my teeth, wait for my toddler on the potty, but it has really bumped up my intention focus and for this, I am grateful.

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